Delivery Confirmation Policy - FAQ
Policy Basics
- How does the FTD Delivery Confirmation Program work?
- The program is simple. The filling florist sends a delivery confirmation message through Mercury to the sending florist by 7:00 pm (filling florist local time) on the same day as delivery. For any order not delivery confirmed by 7:00 pm (local time), a $2.25 fee per order will be processed on the Clearinghouse Statement. An additional $10.00 fee per order will be processed on the FTD Clearinghouse Statement for any order not delivery confirmed within 48 hours after 7:00pm (local time) of the delivery date.
How to Send a Delivery Confirmation Guide is available showing how-to send a delivery confirmation using the various Mercury systems.
- Do I need to send a delivery confirmation for all orders?
- Yes, the goal of the program is for 100% of orders sent using the Mercury network receive a delivery confirmation no matter where the order originated – florist-to-florist, or International. For any order not delivery confirmed by 7:00 pm (local time), a $2.25 fee per order will be processed on the Clearinghouse Statement. An additional $10.00 fee per order will be processed on the FTD Clearinghouse Statement for any order not delivery confirmed within 48 hours after the delivery date.
Confirmation Message Time Tables
- What is the timeframe to send a delivery confirmation?
- In an effort to elevate the consumer experience and help save the sending florist from pursuing confirmation of delivery, a delivery confirmation must be sent through Mercury to the sending florist by 7:00 pm (filling florist local time) on the same day of delivery.
- What if a delivery confirmation is sent, but it was sent the day after the order was delivered?
- Orders confirmed for delivery after 7:00 pm (filling florist local time) on the same day of delivery will be charged $2.25 per order.
Sending a Delivery Confirmation
- How do I send a delivery confirmation using Mercury technology?
- How to Send a Delivery Confirmation Guide is available showing how-to send a delivery confirmation using the various Mercury systems.
- What if the order is from and the delivery date is extended by
- If extends the delivery date; the delivery confirmation is required to be sent the same day as delivery by 7:00 pm (filling florist local time).
- What if the filling florist attempts delivery and the recipient is not at home/work?
- In this situation, the filling florist needs to communicate with the sending florist to ask if the order may be delivered the following day. If the sending florist approves the delivery date change, the filling florist must change the date in Mercury. Instructions how to change the delivery date are included in the How to Send a Delivery Confirmation Guide.
If the date is not changed in Mercury, the system will recognize the original delivery date and the filling florist will be charged $2.25 per order.
- What if the filling florist requests a new delivery date?
- If the filling florist needs to ask the sending florist if the order can be delivered on a different date than originally given, the filler must send a message to the sending florist requesting a delivery date change. Instructions are provided in the How to Send a Delivery Confirmation Guide.
Changing the Delivery Date
- As the filling florist, what are the program guidelines if I propose a new delivery date on the original date of delivery?
- If the filling florist is proposing a new delivery date, they have until 7:00 pm the same day as the original delivery date to have a new delivery date confirmed by the sending florist. If the date is not changed in Mercury, the system will recognize the original delivery date and the filling florist will be charged $2.25 per order.
- If I am the filling florist, how do I request a delivery date change?
- If you are the filling florist and you receive an incoming order that you cannot deliver on the requested date, you need to decide whether you are going to reject it or send a message to the sending florist requesting an alternate delivery date. Keep in mind that if the message is sent and a response is not received in a timely manner; the FTD Delayed Response Policy rules still apply. If the sending florist does not agree to the delivery date change, they must send amessage back with the original delivery date or cancel the order.
- If I am the sending florist, how do I request a delivery date change?
- If you are the sending florist and you want to change the delivery date (for example, if the customer has requested a new date), you need to send the filling florist a message requesting the date change. If the filling florist can change the date, they will send you a message back agreeing to the change. If they cannot, the sending florist should cancel the order.
- Where within the order does the delivery date need to be changed?
- The delivery date field in the message should be changed to the new delivery date, in addition to including the delivery date change request in the body of the Mercury message.
- What if the filling florist leaves a door tag at the recipient's home, does the filling florist need to change the delivery date?
- Yes, the delivery date needs to be change/confirmed by the sending florist in Mercury otherwise the filling florist will be charged $2.25 per order since the order was not confirmed for delivery on the original delivery date.
Statement Reporting
- Where on the FTD Clearinghouse Statement will the delivery confirmation details be located?
- The FTD Clearinghouse Statement Section E will list all order detail related to delivery confirmation charges.
International Orders
- How do I handle an incoming international order?
- If you are a filling florist on the Mercury network and receive an international order, the standard FTD Delivery Confirmation Program rules apply. A delivery confirmation must be sent by 7:00 pm (filling florist local time) same day as delivery.
Program Exclusions
- Do orders sent by fax or by phone require a delivery confirmation?
- No, fax and phone orders are excluded from the FTD Delivery Confirmation Program.
- What if my Mercury system has network issues and the shop is not able to send a delivery confirmation?
- If your Mercury system goes down, please call FTD at 800.767.3222. FTD will confirm that it was down for the specified window of time. If the outage extends beyond normal business hours, the deadline to confirm delivery of an order will be extended to the next business day the member is open and the system is back on line. Short inter-day outages will not be granted an extra business day.
Customer Service
- What if I have questions about the program?
- Contact FTD Member Services Customer Service at 800.788.9000 with questions about the program.
- What if a filling florist sends a delivery confirmation to the sending florist, but the order is found to not be delivered?
- Contact FTD Member Services Customer Service at 800.788.9000 if this situation is in question.