Suspending / Resuming Mercury
How to Suspend:
FTD Mercury | Mercury HQ | Go To
How to Resume:
FTD Mercury | Mercury HQ | Go To
Future Orders While Suspended
To ensure that you can receive as many orders as possible, your shop can still receive orders for future delivery while your Mercury is on temporary suspension. This is for all orders including florist-to-florist, and Delayed Response Program (DRP) guidelines will apply to the future orders, so please review the policy to ensure customer satisfaction. More information is available in the frequently asked questions below.
- How will the future order appear to the filling florist in Mercury?
- The FTD Mercury dashboard will show the orders immediately in the system for future delivery dates even if the shop is suspended. Florists that have Mercury Point of Sale or Mercury HQ can view the orders remotely using the mobile app.
- Will the sending florist know that the filling florist is suspended?
- Yes, the sending florist will see that the shop is suspended along with the resume date in Florist Link or Florist Link API. Senders should be aware that they should not expect a response from a suspended filling florist until the shop resumes business.
- If a filling florist rejects an order for a future delivery date before the suspension is resumed, will that activate the system?
- No, rejecting an order will not resume the system. The suspend function can only be deactivated with the resume command.
- If a shop resumes business on November 15 at 1:00 pm or later, could they receive orders for delivery that same day?
- Yes, once the shop resumes the Mercury, they can receive orders for that day based upon the shop's cut-off time for same day delivery. If it is not feasible to deliver the same day the florist returns to the shop due to product availability, the florist may consider setting the resume date for the next business day to allow time to prepare to accept FTD orders. For example, if a florist returns to the shop on Monday morning, the florist may want to set the resume date/time for first thing Tuesday morning. The resume message can be sent earlier if preparations are completed sooner than expected.
- If a florist extends their suspension, what is their responsibility for the future orders in the system that were received according to the original resume date?
- If the filling florist extends their suspension, the florist is responsible for any orders that were to be delivered following the original resume date. To reject the orders, the florist will need to access their system. If the orders are not rejected, Delayed Response Program guidelines will apply.
- If a filling florist resumes their Mercury at 10:00 am and they are unable to fill an order as requested, does the shop have two hours from the resume time to reject it under the Delayed Response Program guidelines?
- Yes, the shop should follow the Delayed Response Program guidelines based on the resume time, not the standard shop open time of 9:00 a.m. The standard time will apply on the following business day.
If the shop's resume time is before 9:00 a.m., then the standard shop hours apply as it relates to the Delayed Response Program.
- If I am going to be out of the shop starting on a Tuesday, when should I suspend my Mercury?
- As a best practice, you should suspend your Mercury at 5:00 p.m. on Monday or at least one hour prior to leaving the shop to make sure all orders are transmitted in this example. By suspending the day before you will officially be out of the shop, it will avoid any orders coming in after the shop closes. The florist will be responsible for any orders that are received before the suspend start time.
Suspending Your System
FTD Mercury - Suspend
To suspend your FTD Mercury system:
- On the Mercury Message menu, click Suspend (SUS).
- In the Suspend area:
- In the From Date field, click the arrow to reveal a calendar, and select the date you want to stop receiving orders.
- In the Time field, change the time to the time you want to stop receiving orders. To change the time, highlight the hour with your mouse, then click the up and down arrows until the correct hour displays. Do the same for the minutes and AM/PM.
IMPORTANT: Do not use 12:00A or 12:00P - use 11:59A for noon and 11:59P for midnight.
- In the Resume area:
- In the To Date field, click the arrow to reveal a calendar, and select the date you want to resume receiving orders.
- In the Time field, change the time to the time at which you want to resume receiving orders. To change the time, highlight the hour with your mouse, then click the up and down arrows until it displays the correct hour. Do the same for the minutes and AM/PM.
IMPORTANT: Do not use 12:00A or 12:00P - use 11:59A for noon and 11:59P for midnight.
- In the Operator field, click the arrow and select your name from the list.
- Click Send.
Mercury HQ - Suspend
To suspend Mercury HQ:
- On your side menu - select "Mercury Settings".
- Select the pencil to the right in the "Florist to Florist" Network box.
- Select your Start Date and Time for when you want the suspend to start. Then select the End Date and Time for when you want the suspension to end. Once completed, select Schedule Suspension.
- Once the suspend start time has passed, the section will show that your shop is suspended, and reflect the active suspend dates for reference.
Go To - Suspend
FTD Mercury - Go To Suspend:
If you are a Go To shop, once you suspend your system and the suspend is active, you must send a separate message to suspend your FTD.COM orders.
- On the Mercury Message menu, click General (GEN).
- In the Suspend area:
- In the Filling Florist field, type in 90-8400AA
- In the Text or Reason field, type in the following text exactly as shown below:
- In the Operator field, click the arrow and select your name from the list.
- Click Send.
Resuming Your System
Your system will automatically resume at the date and time specified in the Suspend message. However, you can send a Resume message to resume receiving orders at a different time than the one you originally specified. As with suspending your system, follow the correct procedure for your system type.
FTD Mercury - Resume
To send a resume message on your FTD Mercury system for a different time than in the original Suspend message:
- On the Mercury Message menu, click Resume (RES).
- In the Resume area:
- In the To Date field, click the arrow to reveal a calendar, and select the date you want to resume receiving orders.
- In the Time field, change the time to the time at which you want to resume receiving orders. To change the time, highlight the hour with your mouse, then click the up and down arrows until the correct hour displays. Do the same for the minutes and AM/PM.
IMPORTANT: Do not use 12:00A or 12:00P - use 11:59A for noon and 11:59P for midnight.
- In the Operator field, click the arrow and select your name from the list.
- Click Send.
Mercury HQ - Resume
To resume Mercury HQ:
- On your side menu - select "Mercury Settings".
- Select the pencil to the right in the "Florist to Florist" Network box.
- From there, you can adjust the End Date and time to the time you wish to resume, and click "Save Changes". You can also click "Resume Now" to resume immediately.
Go To - Resume
FTD Mercury - Go To Resume:
If you are currently suspended, and only want to resume FTD.COM orders
- On the Mercury Message menu, click General (GEN).
- In the Suspend area:
- In the Filling Florist field, type in 90-8400AA
- In the Text or Reason field, type in the following text exactly as shown below:
- In the Operator field, click the arrow and select your name from the list.
- Click Send.