FTD Clearinghouse Statement

Welcome to your online FTD Clearinghouse Statement. You can conveniently view your monthly FTD Clearinghouse Statement activity in detail here.

Go paperless!
Sign-up to receive your monthly statement online only and save $5.99 each month. To receive a paperless statement, update your User Profile within the online Clearinghouse Statement by unselecting “paper statement” within the services tab in.

If you have any specific questions regarding your statement, you can email Member Services at ftdmemberservices@FTDi.com or call us at 800.788.9000.

Please login to view your statement on-line:
User ID:
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* Please enter your member number in the full format (XX-XXXXAA)

If you are an FTD member and you do not have a login and would like to obtain one, please Click Here.

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